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Protect Your Case

Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  However, until you can speak with us personally, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your rights following a serious injury caused by a negligent party. 

●  Be respectful to investigating personnel, particularly peace officers

●  Avoid making statements about any responsibility you might feel for the situation.

●  Be truthful and thorough in describing all of your known injuries to peace officers, EMS personnel, emergency room personnel, etcetera

●  Have someone obtain names and addresses and phone numbers of witnesses and photograph the scene and vehicle(s) involved if possible

●  Do not give a recorded statement to an insurance adjuster

●  Make notes of the names, phone numbers and affiliations of anyone who contacts you regarding the accident

●  Retain any documents including bills, discharge instructions, etcetera you receive

●  Promptly copy any photos to a hard drive or otherwise preserve them



When you contact The Roland Brown Law Firm, immediately advise the person who answers the call that you or the person on whose behalf you are calling has suffered a serious injury or that a death has occurred.  This will prioritize your call so that we can respond immediately.  CALL NOW – 512/847-2500

After you have made the call, you are encouraged to fill out our basic Personal Injury Information Sheet in order to preserve important information and to assist us in serving you once we are engaged to handle the matter.  To download and print the Personal Injury Form, click below.









Even when it seems clear that the other party was at fault, prompt investigation is still important.  This is especially true in collisions involving 18-wheelers, motorcycle or bicycle injuries, and oilfield or other worksite accidents.  Information at the scene may disappear, lighting conditions which may be important regarding visibility change rapidly as days pass, and witnesses may become harder to locate or have less of a recollection of what they saw as time passes.  The insurance companies, trucking companies or other responsible parties will have their investigators out promptly.  We can only help you counter that if you contact us promptly.

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